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Find in results screen the content type (book, article, etc.), bibliographic information (title, author, etc.), availability of the document, access to the document, and some actions.

Click on title document to see full view of the register.

Different  types of results can be found as a search result:

  • Unique documents: showing the characteristics of a specific document.
  • Multiple register documents: showing the characteristics of a document held in the Library in different versions.

  • Multiple sources documents: showing the characteristics of a specific document accessible through different sources (e.g. electronic resources).



Find information about availability of printed and audiovisual materials

The document is available at one or more of our libraries; click for more information.
The document is NOT available at the library; click for more information or to request the document.
The library does NOT held this specific document; click for more information or to ask for its acquisition or subscription.

Fin information about access to electronic documents

The document is available online; click on text to open new window with more information about the specific resource; not always full text available.
The library holds this electronic document in data bases; click on text to open new window with more information, and access to full text.
The Library does not hold this electronic document for the moment.

Actions to perform in each document register:

Email register
Save result in "My favorites"

Other actions like export register to citation manager, get permanent link or print register.


Some search results will also show other actions about bibliographic citations:

To see list of publications cited in the specific article or document
To see list of publications citing the specific article or document


Full view of the register displays different options:

Send to This section allows users to perform the following actions on the selected item: email item details, create a citation, print, send to reference management service (such as RefWorks), and create a permalink
Get it This section allows you to request physical items (such as books and audio CDs) from the UC3M Library. Pleas validate using UC3M Student ID
View it This section appears only if the item is available for online viewing
Details This section displays additional details (such as the publisher and creation date) to help the user decide whether to choose this item
Contents This section displays additional content such as table of content
Virtual browse List of documents similar to the selected one
Explore Additional information
Links Link to full text in electronic documents
More Additional options
Citations Access to the documents citing and cited in the selected one