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Skills: How to use your Library

Type your search words and choose:

  • Everything: The default tab combines search in print and electronic collections
  • Print and audiovisual: Only physical collections of books and other documents. It allows you to make reservations, renewals, requests
  • Electronic collection: Only digital items, most of them full text
  • e-Archivo: UC3M scientific publications in open access

The search box will suggest words when typing.

undefinedSearch also through voice assistant in your mobile device, in English or Spanish. Available in some browsers.

Type your word or words (keyword, author, title…) in main search box; then select one area (Everything, Print and audiovisual, Electronic collection or e-Archivo).

Select second level area to limit your search.

On choosing Print and audiovisual you will find a second level dropdown with libraries to select. Choose one or all of them.

On choosing Electronic collection you will find a second level dropdown with different options to select:

  • All: for any kind of electronic document
  • E-books
  • E-journals
  • Articles and more: full text articles from electronic journals, book chapters, conference proceedings, newspaper articles and other electronic documents.

You can do more specific searches using Advanced Search, that allows you to combine different fields, to choose a publication date range and an specific document type as a newspaper article, a book , a journal article, etc.

Search using Any field: title, author/creator, subject, ISBN, ISSN and Course Bibliography Material type (books, articles, journals, images...) Language Publication date


Find A-Z e-journals in search box.

Enter journal title or ISSN. Find articles typing autor, title or subject in “Search anything”. For paper journals ask your Library

Find "Data Bases" in search box, leading to a Data Base searcher (Bases de Datos A-Z) to search the Library electronic resources and free access resources.​

Find in Bases de Datos A-Z (in Spanish):

  • Search Data Bases by name, subject, type of data base or provider
  • Go to original interface of any data base
  • Know how to access data bases and their access conditions
  • Ask for help about data bases search and user instruction calendar
  • Know what's new


Both in simple search or advanced search use search tools to get better results:

Search a phrase

Use brackets "  " to search a complete phrase in its exact terms, or combine words and phrases within the brackets.

PLEASE NOTE: Write a phrase without brackets and the system will not search the phrase but all the words without order. Do not write words out of the brackets.


Search any specific word or phrase

Type OR between words or phrases to find results with at least one of the terms in search box.

PLEASE NOTE: Write the words or phrases without OR or NOT and the system will search ALL the words or phrases, not the specific ones.


Exclude words or phrases

Exclude registers containing specific word or phrase typing NOT before the terms you want to exclude.

PLEASE NOTE: Use the booleans (AND, OR, NOT) within search box in capital letters.


Search using wildcard characters

You can include the following wildcard characters in your searches:

— enter a question mark to perform a single character wildcard search.

For example, type wom?n to search for records that contain the strings woman, women, and so forth.

* — enter an asterisk to perform a multiple character wildcard search.

For example, type cultur* to search for records that contain strings, such as culture, cultural, and culturally..

PLEASE NOTE: If parentheses are not used for a query that contains multiple operators, it is recommended that you use the NOT operator last to ensure that results are excluded from the entire query. For example: cycling AND safety NOT helmet. If it is necessary to place the NOT operator elsewhere, make sure that you enclose the operation with parentheses. For example: (cycling NOT safety) OR helmet..


Grouping terms

You can use parentheses (   ) to group terms to clarify the order of multiple operators specified in a query.