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Hismedi: Political Transition to Democracy: The project


El proyecto



The passing on of history knowledge and memories about our past is not the monopoly of historians; there are many social players who contribute with information and opinions to the configuration of historical knowledge. History has erupted into the social and political debate in response to citizens' stated interest and it is distributed on the Internet with high rates of acceptance. Therefore, we are faced with new ways of knowledge transfer, new narratives, meanings and audiences that are part of a scenario of active and proactive memory, fostered by innovative and reflective societies that make their contributions on the Internet. Nevertheless, it is clear that political and historiography debates differ depending on the historical period studied.

The research project we present here aims to analyse the way in which history and memory of the Spanish Transition to Democracy is represented in the Web 2.0. We pose several questions: What aspects of the Spanish transition would awake greater interest among citizens? Are they in line with historiography interests? What is the contribution of digital society to the creation of knowledge on that period? What role do the social media play when reviewing the meaning of the Transition? Who are the authors and what are the sources on which they are based, bearing in mind how close that period is to our times? What role do historians play in the new transfer of historical science "with society"?