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Hismedi: Political Transition to Democracy: The Team


HISMEDI: Historia y Memoria Digital. Transición política a la democracia


The project Historia, Memoria y Sociedad Digital. Nuevas formas de transmisión del pasado. La transición política a la democracia, focused in the analysis of the representation of the period 1975-1986 has been financed bay the Ministerio de Ciencia, Investigación y Universidades ("Ministry of Research and Universities") (Retos del Conocimiento Program) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with reference RTI2018-093599-B-I00 MCIU/AE/FEDER, UE for the period 2019-2021

The Team

Matilde Eiroa San Francisco is Associate Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and lead researcher for the HISMEDI project. She has been a guest lecturer at many universities and lead researcher of European projects. She is the co-editor of the Hispania Nova journal, a member of the editorial board of several academic journals and founding member of the Chair of Historical Memory of the Twentieth Century of Universidad Complutense de Madrid. In 2013, at the awards' 23rd edition, she received the Victoria Kent Award for the biography of Isabel de Palencia entitled Isabel de Palencia. Diplomacia, periodismo y militancia al servicio de la República [Isabel de Palecnia. Diplomacy, journalism and activism at the service of the Republic]. She is the author of many papers published by renowned journals and publishing houses. Lately, she coordinated the monograph Historia y Memoria en Red. Un nuevo reto para la historiografía [History and Memory on the Net. A new challenge for historiography] (Síntesis, 2018) as well as a dossier in the Ayer journal entitled “La historia digital, una apuesta del siglo XXI" [Digital History, a 21st century bet] (Issue 110, 2018) together with Anaclet Pons.

Encarnación Barranquero Texeira, Phd since 1992, teaches at the School of Modern and Contemporary History of the University of Malaga, where she works as an associate professor. She is the lead researcher at the HUM-608 "History of the Present Times" research group. She was awarded the Andalusia Award for the Recovery of Historical Memory by the Regional Department of Governance and Justice, Regional Government of Andalusia 2011, and the award Tejedrores-as de la Memoria 2013 by the General directorate of Democratic Memory. Moreover, she is a member of the working group "Materia de Memoria Democrática de la Junta de Andalucía” [Topics of Democratic Memory of the Regional Government of Andalusia]. She has published many books and articles on the Civil War, Franco's regime and the Transition. In terms of History and Digital Memory, we can highlight the following publications: “Las fosas comunes de la Guerra y el franquismo en la Red” [War mass graves and Franco´s regime on the net"], by Eiroa, Matilde (ed.); Historia y Memoria en Red, Un nuevo reto para la historiografía [History and Memory on the Net. A new challenge for historiography] (Síntesis, 2018, pp- 199-223); “La memoria de la represión franquista sobre las mujeres en los websites” [Memories of Franco's repression on women on the Internet], published in Historia y Comunicación Social. ORCID:0000-0002-3348-3980

Adelina Codina Canet is Phd in Documentation, Archives and Libraries in the digital environment and has a Master's Degree in Libraries and Digital Information Services by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She is currently a lecturer at that university. She is also assigned to the University Institute on Gender Studies. She has worked on the digital guide of documentary resources for gender studies. She collaborates every quarter on the collection of sources with ISKO Spain (International Society for Knowledge Organisation). Her PhD thesis focused on women's associations during the transition to democracy and their archives as a historical source. She has been awarded four education and research scholarships at the Ministry's Education Library. She is working on a Digital Archive project for Ecologistas en Accion in Madrid. .
Mari Luz Congosto is Phd in Telematics by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Her research focuses on the dissemination and classification of Twitter users in terms of social and political data. She has developed the t-hoarder platform to capture and view Twitter data and the metroaverias platform to measure Metro de Madrid's quality as perceived by users. Currently, she teaches data capturing and data visualisation at several Master's degrees on Data Journalism.
Ángeles Egido León is Professor of Contemporary History at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). She has carried out intense research on Spain’s 2nd Republic, the exile and repression, having written nearly 30 books, more than 100 papers and book chapters and worked on 15 financed research projects. Guest lecturer at several European universities, she is a member of the editorial boards of several indexed journals, and a member of CIERE, AEMIC, CHIDE and the Centre on Gender Studies of UNED.,692110&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
Sergio Gálvez Biesca is Phd in Contemporary History. He is one of Spain's state archivists. Currently, he is working as a researcher at the Iberoamerican Institute of the Hague and participates on the Section on Archives and Human Rights on the International Council on Archives (ICA-SHR), amongst others. One of his latest contributions is La gran huelga general. El sindicalismo contra la «modernización socialista» [The great general strike. Trade unions against "socialist modernisation"] (Madrid, Siglo XXI, 2017), and he has coordinated the collective work of El acceso a los archivos en España [Access to archives in Spain] (Madrid, Fundación 1º de Mayo / Fundación Largo Caballero, 2019).
Carlos G. Figuerola is Phd in History and associate professor of the School of Computer Science at the University of Salamanca. He is an expert on Information Recovery, Extraction and Automated Organisation of Knowledge and Text mining. He was also the dean of the School of Translation and Documentation of the University of Salamanca, where he still teaches the Degree in Documentation. He is the director of the Master's degree on Digital Information Systems and deputy director of the Instituto de Investigación en Estudios Sociales en Ciencia y Tecnología. You can find more information on his academic activities here: and
Fernando Hernández Holgado is currently a lecturer in the department of Contemporary History of Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has specialised on women's penitentiary system, namely during Franco's regime. He is a member of the Seminario de Fuentes Orales de Madrid since 2004 and of Grupo de Estudios de la Historia de la Prisión y de las Instituciones Punitivas of the University of Castilla La Mancha since 2007. In 2012, his PhD thesis “La Prisión Militante: las cárceles franquistas de mujeres de Barcelona y Madrid (1939-1945)” [Activist prisons: Franco's women's prisons in Barcelona and Madrid (1939-1945)] received the Award by the Asociación Española de Investigación de Historia de las Mujeres (Spanish Research Association of Women's History) (AEIHM) in its 6th edition. Amongst his publications we can highlight: Mujeres encarceladas. La prisión de Ventas: de la República al franquismo (1931-1941) [Imprisoned women. The prison of Ventas: from the Republic to Franco's regime (1931-1941)] (Madrid, 2003); and Soledad Real (1917) [Real Solitude (1917)]. Lately he has coordinated the website Memória de la presó de dones de Les Corts of the Associació per la Cultura i la Memòria de Catalunya (2006), focusing on the provincial women's prison of Barcelona, currently active, as well as the portal on Madrid's Ventas prison for the District Department of Salamanca, part of Madrid's city council.
Raúl Magallón is Phd Europeus in Journalism by Universidad Complutense de Madrid and lecturer of journalism at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He has published several papers on national and international renowned journals and has collaborated with media such as,,, Yorokobu or He is the author of Unfaking News. Cómo combatir la desinformación [Unfaking news. How to fight misinformation].
Aurelio Martín López is archivist and researcher at the Archive and library of Fundación Pablo Iglesias and member of the European Network Association as well as a member and representative of the International Association History Labour Institution His research work focuses on the History of the Workers' Movement and the History of Social Movements, As an archivist, he carries out two main duties: on the one hand, preserving, classifying and disseminating the collections and, on the other, the digitisation and virtualisation of the archive where he works,.
Mariola Morenois Phd in Information Science and Communication by the University Jean Jaurès of Toulouse. As part of her scientific experience we can highlight the research work she has done on the media handling of the economic crisis and social invisibility in the media. She has published papers in international journals and teaches seminars on computer-assisted text analysis with the Iramuteq tool.
Pedro Paniaguais Associate Professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a journalist. He has recently published the articles “Tratamiento de los medios en "Twitter" [Treatment of the media in Twitter] as part of the city council of Madrid's project to remove the name Millán Astray from one of the city's streets (Historia y Comunicación social, 2019) and “Una forma calculada de herir la Memoria Histórica. Repercusión en Twitter de las declaraciones de los diputados del partido popular Pablo Casado y Rafael Hernando” [A calculated way to harm Historical memory. Repercusion in Twitter of the statements made by Popular Party MP Pablo Casado and MP Rafael Hernando] (Hispania Nova, 2018), the chapter “Memoria en Twitter. La multiplicación del discurso histórico de la violencia” [Memory in Twitter. Multiplication of the historical discourse on violence] (Síntesis, 2018) and he is co-author of Manual Práctico de Redacción Periodística [Practical guide of journalistic writing] (Síntesis, 2017). Moreover, he is the author of Los géneros en la Red: reportaje, entrevista y crónica. [Genres on the net: article, interview and column] (Fragua, 2015) and of Breve historia del futuro [Short history of the future] (Taurus, 2012).
Anaclet Pons is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Valencia. During his teaching and researching career he has worked on several topics, but most particularly in social and cultural history and historiography, many times with Justo Serna Alonso. As an example of the former topic we can highlight Los triunfos del burgués. Estampas valencianas del Ochocientos [Triumphs of the middle class. Snapshots of Valencia in the 1800s] (2012); and as for historiography studies, La historia cultural. Autoras, obras, lugares [Cultural history. Authors, works, places] (2013 2ed.) or MicroHistoria. Las narraciones de Carlo Ginzburg [Microhistory. Narrations of Carlo Ginzburg] (Comares, 2019), as well as his significant contribution to digital history with his work El desorden digital. Guía para historiadores y humanistas [Digital disorder. Guide for historians and humanists] (2013). To those we have to add a large number of papers on the above mentioned topics in several journals and compilations, as well as the blog Clionauta (
Francisco Rodríguez Jiménez is Phd in Contemporary History at the University of Salamanca (Extraordinary Prize, 2009). He was a PhD researcher at Harvard (WCFIA, 2012-2013) and Fullbrighter at George Washington University (2010-2012). His research focuses on international cultural or ideological transfers, paying special attention to the United States, Spain and Latin America. Over the last few years he has co-published the following books: El Portugal Salazarista frente a la democracia [Salazar's Portugal versus democracy]; U.S. Public Diplomacy and Democratization in Spain; Estrategias de Diplomacia Cultural en un Mundo Interpolar [Cultural diplomacy strategies in an interpolated world]; and Mujeres universitarias en España y América Latina [Female university students in Spain and Latin America]. He is the author of: ¿Antídoto contra el Antiamericanismo?: American Studies en España, [Antidote against Anti-Americanism? American Studies in Spain] (Valencia, 2010); and he has contributed with many pieces on national and international journals. He has assessed projects for the European Research Agency (Horizon 2020 and Marie Curie Actions), for the Fullbright Committee (in Madrid and Washington) and for the Trinity College of Dublin.
Juan Carlos Sánchez Illán, Associate Professor and accredited professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, he has over 24 years of research. He is a specialist on the history of journalism. Author of many works, amongst them Prensa y política en la España de la Restauración [Press and politics in Spain during the Restoration period]; La nación inacabada [The unfinished nation]; Los intelectuales y el problema de la construcción nacional (1898-1914) [Intellectuals and the problem of national construction (1898-1914)]; Una República de papel [A pretend republic]. L'Espagne Républicaine, 1945-1949; 14 de abril. La República [14th of April. The Republic]; and Historia de la edición en España [History of Publishing in Spain]. He has published dozens of articles in journals and book chapters and he has also taught courses and given talks in places such as the USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Russia, Slovakia and Romania..
Rosa San Segundo Segundo is Professor of Documentation at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She is an expert in Classification systems and Knowledge organisation. She is the director of the University Institute on Gender Studies of the UC3M. She was the secretary and director of the Department of Library Science and Documentation of the above-mentioned university. She is a member of the UDC Consortium Advisory Board and of the International Scientific Committee of the ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organisation) and author of numerous specialised papers, individual and collective books.
Juan Yunquera works as a lecturer of journalism at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid since 2001. He has a degree in Information Science (Journalism) by Universidad Complutense de Madrid and he has a PhD from Universidad Carlos III. He is a member of the research group PASEET (Journalism and social analysis: Evolution, Effects and Trends). His main research topics are journalism, publishing design, digital publications, technologies applied to the new IT media and advertising.