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Master Final Project UC3M: Finding other MFP

Library guide to help UC3M Master students make their Master Final Project, or Master Thesis (TFM)

Academic Papers at UC3M

e-Archivo UC3Me-Archivo Trabajos Académicos UC3M find here Universidad Carlos III de Madrid digital repository in Open Access containing Bachelor Thesis from engineering studies and some Master Final Projects (from technical professional studies only).

e-Archivo Tesis Doctorales UC3Me-Archivo Tesis Doctorales UC3M find here Universidad Carlos III de Madrid digital repository in Open Access containing Ph D Thesis.

Ph D Theses from Madrid Universities

InvestigaMInvestigaM is the Madrid universities PhD Thesis search engine powered by Consorcio Madroño.

Ph D Theses from Spanish Universities

TESEOTESEO data base of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports with information about Ph D Theses deposited at Spanish universities since 1976.

RecolectaRecolecta web portal created by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Network of University Libraries (REBIUN) of the CRUE with the goal of building a national infrastructure of Open Access scientific repositories. It includes Ph D Theses presented at Spanish universities.

Other universities Academic Papers

OpenAIREOpenAIRE is the official European Union project which compiles research papers deposited in Open Access academic repositories. It includes MFP and Ph D Theses presented at European universities..

DART-EuropeDART-Europe European web portal which provides access to european Ph D Theses and Master Theses. It was created by research libraries and library consortia which work together to improve global access to European doctoral theses. It includes more than 800.000 theses from more than 600 universities.

OATDOATD Open Access Theses and Dissertations is an index of more than 5 M theses and other scholarly works in open access (electronic theses and dissertations, ETDs) presented at about 1.100 universities and research institutions from around the world.

NDLTD Networked Digital Library for Theses and Dissertations is the international organization to promote the creation, use, dissemination and preservation of Theses and Dissertations in electronic form. It indexes about 6 M documents.

 MIT Theses offers access to a wide selection of Open Access Theses from the Dspace repository of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with 53.000 Theses from 1800, including all MIT research areas.