The project Historia y Memoria Histórica on line. Retos y oportunidades para el conocimiento del pasado en Internet (“History and Memory online. Challenges and opportunities for knowledge of the past on the Internet”) has been funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (“Ministry for the Economy and Competitiveness”) and the European Development Regional Fund with reference no. HAR-2015-63582-P, MINECO/FEDER for the period 2016-2018. The database has been included at Hispana and in Mapping Historical Dialogue (Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University).
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Matilde Eiroa San Francisco is an Associate Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Principal Researcher on the HISMEDI Project. Her research focuses on the period 1930-1975 and explores the areas of international relations, repression, women’s history and the media; she has published numerous articles and both individual and collective books on these subjects. She has served as Visiting Professor at several European universities and as the head researcher of European projects. She co-edits the journal Hispania Nova, sits on the editorial boards of several other academic journals and is also a founding member of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid’s Extraordinary Chair “Memoria Histórica Siglo XX” (20th Century Historical Memory). One of her most recent publications is the biography Isabel de Palencia. Diplomacia, periodismo y militancia al servicio de la República (Isabel of Palencia. Diplomacy, journalism and militancy at the service of the Republic) (Universidad de Málaga, 2014), winner of the 23rd Victoria Kent Research Award. |
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Manuel Álvaro is an Associate Professor of Contemporary History, holding a PhD in Philosophy and the Arts (Geography and History). Since 1991 he has taught at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, from 2003 in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, of which he is currently Dean. He received the Madrid City Council’s “José Castillejo” Student Residence Fellowship for research on the Junta para Ampliación de Estudios (Council for the Extension of Studies). His main field of research has focused on political and economic repression under Franco and its ideological and social implications. He is the author of Por ministerio de la Ley y voluntad del Caudillo. La Jurisdicción Especial de Responsabilidades Políticas (1939-1945) (By operation of the law and the will of the Leader. The Special Jurisdiction of Political Responsibilities) (Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2006) in addition to various book chapters and articles published in specialised journals. |
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Encarnación Barranquero Texeira is an Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the Universidad de Málaga (Spain). Her areas of research are: the Spanish Civil War, Francoism, Women’s History and Social History. She has published several books, articles in specialised journals and chapters of collective works, and received three awards for her research on the Republic, Francoist repression and democratic memory. |
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Mari Luz Congosto holds a PhD in Telematics from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Her research is focused on the propagation and characterization of Twitter users within the sphere of socio-political data. She developed the t-hoarder platform to capture and visualize Twitter data and the metroaverias platform to measure the quality of the Madrid Metro service as perceived by passengers. Currently she publishes articles on and gives classes in data capture and visualization for several Data Journalism Master’s Programmes. |
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Ángeles Egido León is Full Professor of Contemporary History at the UNED (National University of Distance Education). She has carried out extensive research work on the Second Republic, exile and repression, resulting in over twenty books, almost one hundred articles and book chapters and 14 funded research projects. Besides acting as Visiting Professor at a variety of European universities, she is on the editorial board of several indexed journals, and a member of the CIERE, AEMIC, CHIDE and the Center for Gender Studies at the UNED.,692110&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL |
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Sergio Gálvez Biesca Holder of a PhD in Contemporary History, he currently works as a researcher for the Iberoamerican Institute of the Hague and is a professor-tutor at the UNED. He has also taught at the UCM and the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Amongst other postgraduate qualifications he holds a degree in labour relations, and has coordinated various R+D projects concerning the process of democratic memory recovery. He has authored over fifty scientific publications and has also directed various documentaries and served as executive producer and curator of some national and international temporary exhibitions. Last but not least, in 2005 he was a founding member of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid’s Extraordinary Chair “20th Century Historical Memory”, and acted as Programme Coordinator for several years. |
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Raúl Magallón holds a European PhD (Doctor Europaeus) in Journalism from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and teaches Journalism at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He has published numerous articles in well-known national and international journals as well as contributing to media such as, Yorokobu and |
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Mirta Núñez Díaz-Balart is an Associate Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Her research covers two areas in parallel, one being the History of Spanish Journalism and the other Contemporary Spanish History, focusing on the Second Republic, the Civil War and General Franco’s Dictatorship. As a result she is the sole author of 25 articles for scientific journals, press collaborations, a great many prologues and introductions of works and six books. Worthy of particular note are her coordination and collaboration on La gran represión. Los años de plomo del franquismo (The great repression. The dark years of Francoism” (2009), and the following works of sole authorship: Los años del terror. La política de exterminio y represión del general Franco (The years of the terror. General Franco’s policy of repression and extermination) (2004), “Mujeres Caídas. Prostitutas legales y clandestinas en el franquismo” (Fallen Women. Legal and clandestine prostitutes during Franco’s Regime) (2003) and La disciplina de la conciencia. Las Brigadas Internacionales y su artillería de papel (The discipline of conscience. The International Brigades and their paper artillery) (2006). |
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Pedro Paniagua is an Associate Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a journalist. He has written for a variety of printed and audiovisual media such as the Agencia Efe, Radio Cadena Española, Actualidad Económica, Muy Interesante and Radio El País for over twenty years. He has also worked as Director of Communications for Tele 5 and Deputy Marketing Director for Onda Cero. As a researcher he has written several books, notably: Los géneros en la Red: reportaje, entrevista y crónica (Genres in the Web: reports, interviews and features) (2015), La estela de la codicia. De Midas a Goldman Sachs (The trail of greed. From Midas to Goldman Sachs) (2013), Breve historia del futuro (A brief history of the future) (2012), Información e interpretación en periodismo. Hacia una nueva teoría de los géneros (Information and interpretation in journalism. Towards a new theory of genre) (2009). In addition, he is the author of 42 articles published in academic journals. |
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Anaclet Pons is a Full Professor of Contemporary History at the Universidad de Valencia. His extensive teaching and research career has been devoted to several different areas, but above all he has worked on social and cultural history and on historiography, frequently in collaboration with Justo Serna Alonso. Their most recent joint work is Los triunfos del burgués. Estampas valencianas del Ochocientos (Triumph of the bourgeoisie. Images of 18th century Valencia) (2012). Of note in the sphere of historiography is La historia cultural. Autoras, obras, lugares (Cultural history. Women authors, works and places) (2013 2nd ed.), and he also made an important contribution to digital history in his work El desorden digital. Guía para historiadores y humanistas (Digital disorder. A guide for historians and humanists) (2013). And to all this must be added a substantial number of articles on these subjects in different journals and compilations, not to mention the blog Clionauta. |
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Manuel de Ramón holds a PhD in Information Sciences and is a Lecturer at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). He worked as a journalist for RNE (1984-2007); TVE (1979-84); Diario YA (1978-79); and Diario Avui (1988-94). He is currently Director of the Social Communications course for officers from the armed forces. Besides giving lectures at the Universities of Bamberg and Eichstätt (Germany), he is the author of numerous articles and co-author of works about specialised reporting and the relationship between journalism and history. |
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Juan Carlos Sánchez Illán is an Associate Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and received accreditation from ANECA as a Full Professor in January 2014. He has served as Visiting Professor at Harvard University (1994) and the Sorbonne (1998-1999). From 2000 to 2002 he worked for the Ramón y Cajal Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology at the UNED. In 2008 he achieved certification for the 13th Ministry of Science and Innovation Programme, which ran from 2009 to 2011. |
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Rosa San Segundo is a Full Professor of Information Sciences at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Her specialist subjects are classification systems and knowledge organization. She is also the Director of the University Institute for Gender Studies at UC3M and has been Secretary and Director of the Department of Librarianship and Documentation at this same University. She is a member of the UDC Consortium Advisory Board and the International Scientific Committee of the International Society for Knowledge Organisation (ISKO). Furthermore, she has written a great many specialised articles, as well as both individual and collective works. |
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Francisco Sevillano Calero holds a PhD in History and is Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the Universidad de Alicante. He has published various articles and studies in collective works on the Spanish Civil War and Franco’s Dictatorship. Perhaps the most outstanding of his published books are: Propaganda y medios de comunicación en el franquismo (Propaganda and the media under Franco) (Alicante, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 1998), Ecos de papel. La opinión de los españoles en la época de Franco (Echoes on paper. Spanish opinion during Franco’s regime) (Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2000), Exterminio. El terror con Franco (Extermination. Terror under Franco) (Madrid, Oberon, 2004), Rojos. La representación del enemigo en la guerra civil (The Reds. Representation of the enemy during the Civil War) (Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2007), and Franco. Caudillo por la gracia de Dios (Franco. Leader by the grace of God) (Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2010). |