This guide contains generic recommendations from the Library about the way to present and defend a Doctoral Thesis. However, you will have to consult your doctoral program for specific instructions in your area and find out the specific evaluation criteria and the time assigned for the presentation and defense. One must always keep in mind the thesis advisor’s instructions and the Doctoral School Guidelines.
When assigning a grade to the presentation and defense phase of the doctoral thesis, the following are usually valued:
A continuous line in the presentation, without jumping around or backtracking, captures the interest and keeps the attention of the audience.
The Ph D candidate demonstrates with their presentation that they have gained solid knowledge of the subject, presented the problem well and shown that the conclusions they have reached coincide with the subject presented, or that the solution coincides with the problem.
Finally, the presentation and defense demonstrate that the thesis has contributed to improving the education of the Ph D candidate, who shows their abilty to promote scientific progress.
The doctoral thesis will be evaluated in the defense, which will take place in a public session and will consist of the presentation and defense of the research project by the doctoral candidate before the tribunal. The PhDs at the public act will be able to pose questions at the time and in the manner stipulated by the president of the tribunal. (Royal Decree 99/2011. Regulation for Official Doctoral Teaching.)
The Ph D candidate will give an oral presentation of their thesis based on a presentation with slides. The candidate will not merely have to read the slides but also hold the interest of the audience in the following manner:
To achieve these points, it is a good idea for the doctoral candidate to practice before their presentation, perhaps in front of their colleagues, or record oneself to study whether one’s expression is appropriate. It is especially important to keep track of the time allotted for giving the presentation, so this point must be clarified with the tutor and consulted in the Doctoral School guidelines.
After the oral presentation, the Committee will ask a series of questions that the Ph D candidate must answer. During this segment, it is a good idea: